(215) 529-8917

Web Development

Website Optimization

A key component of a having a website with superb usability is speed. They say a first impression is very important, well with the web it's even more important. Statistics have shown that visitors stay on a webpage on average less than 10 seconds. We use a variety of techniques that increase the speed of page loads such as the following techniques.

  • CDN (Content Delivery Network)
  • CSS/JavaScript Compression
  • CSS Sprites
  • Image Compression
  • HTML Compression
  • Caching

Mobile Websites

With the ever growing number of smartphones and cellphones that can browse the world wide web, it's a good idea to a have mobile version of your website. We can build you a mobile website that provides useful information for your customers such as location and driving directions, store hours, phone number and other info.


Join millions of merchants making money with their online shops and have the same features of popular online stores such as Amazon.com. Some of the e-commerce features are listed below.

  • Site Search & Browse
  • Real-Time Inventory
  • Express Checkout
  • Order Tracking
  • Special Offers/Coupons/Discounts

Multi-Language Websites

We can build you a multi-language website. You won't have to resort to using inaccurate tools like Google Translate. There's two options you can choose from. You can send us the translations of your content in each language you want available, or we can have your content professionally translated.

Website Maintenance

If you budget doesn't allow you the luxury of having your own content management system, we can maintain your website for you. This can include anything from adding email addresses to changing content and pictures on your website.

Get Started

You can email your RFP request to rfp [at] holloday.com or request a quote.